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Daniel and Becke Haas

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Dan had the benefit of growing up in two different worlds. The first was in Nigeria, Africa as a missionary kid. I was blessed to attend a boarding school and learn the value of Scripture memory. When I entered fourth grade, we returned to Los Angeles, where my second world began. Through a strong church family, I grew in my faith. At Multnomah Bible College, I learned more about what it means to serve Jesus and fully surrender my life to Him. It was here that I also learned about missions to the US Military.

After graduating, I joined Cadence and was sent to overseas to work with youth whose parent(s) are in the military. During that season, I met Becke. After we married, we served US Military dependents together in overseas. God grew our family as we adopted our daughter during this season.

Then we moved to America and took a sabbatical while I finished Gordon Conwell Seminary. We were next sent to Upstate New York to serve military personnel and their families. We lived on the base, and we served anyone who walked through our door.  God gave me a desire for more training, so I returned to Gordon Conwell to learn the Biblical Languages to help preach the Word of God.

Becke grew up in a small town in Illinois and attended a Baptist church. In Sunday School, I was often the only student, and I remember the teacher helping me learn how to read the Bible. I also remember family meals at the church. Alas, that small-town church closed when I began Bible College. In college, I majored in art. I chose to wander from the faith I was taught growing up. I was brought back through many friends, and God gave me a desire for missions but closed the door for me to go alone. God also grew my passion for art by putting me in school photography. It was from here that Dan and I met and were married.

God has been growing our desire to reach families and youth in the American church for a while. When we learned there was a need in rural America, our hearts were excited. Now we can serve by preaching the Word of God and loving people. Becke can now offer to others what her childhood church gave her.

Please consider partnering with us and Village Missions to help a country church thrive and to reach families and youth in rural North America. 

Daniel and Becke Haas
Village Missions exists to glorify Jesus Christ by developing spiritually vital country churches in rural North America. We fulfill this aim by placing pastors in small town and rural churches that might otherwise have to close, and in doing so, preserve the Gospel presence in over 220 communities across the United States and Canada.
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